I studied Biology at Manchester University and still work in scientific research. Part of my training was to look at the natural world in detail, which has inspired my artwork. I am interested in the variety of patterns and colours that can be found around us. This includes the abstract beauty that can be found within the more contrived biological samples from the world of scientific research. All my work is textile based, using threads or fabrics to “paint” my pictures. I have exhibited several times over the last two years in the View from the top gallery and with the Nottingham Society of Artists as an affiliate member.
I have recently started working towards a craft and design City and Guilds, specialising in stumpwork embroidery. This has taken me well outside my personal comfort zone and challenged me to create some more conventional work. The picture exhibited, although not technically stumpwork, has come directly from this metier. Hopefully it captures some of the most recognisable images of Attenborough Nature Reserve.
Contact: jacky@j-webb.me.uk