I have been interested in Photography since I was 14 years old, starting at an after school photo club.
My keen interest started when I was around 21 and invited to join the Newark Photographic Society where I have been a member for 40 years.
I am a member of a small group photographers called, Gamma, who meet at the Media Museum in Bradford six times a year, to develop and progress our interest in photography away from the competitive arena of club photography.
I am Vice President of United Photographic Postfolios of Great Britain, a postal photographic club, with around four hundred members, and have made friends all over the country via UPP. I am also a judge of competitions at various clubs in the region hoping to be constructive and passing on my knowledge to others.
I am often asked what type of subjects I take, and the answer is always the same, I photograph anything that takes my fancy, having tackled most subjects over the years.
I enjoy viewing all types of art and try to learn from it all, we never stop learning.
I hope you enjoy my work and may be decide you would like to own it.